Member-only story
Social Pollution
There is a fierce shrieking tenor to the rhetoric thrown back and forth from each party. It becomes magnified by social media echo chambers. It pours through partisan agenda aggregators to flood newsfeeds. They are incessant algorithms that evoke reaction and to provoke a response. It is exhausting dreck that is weighing everything down and it needs to stop.
…It only adds to the echo chamber. It only adds to the pollution.
It ends up in our newsfeeds. Our emails. Then we start this process all over again. We are stuck in a loop of undermining ourselves. We have become arbitrators of our insanity…
We opened this Pandora’s box and can’t seem to stop peeking under the lid. We seem addicted to the noxiousness. Addicted to the evoked reaction. Addicted to responding.
We have become trapped in a pattern of consumption, reaction, and response.
It doesn’t matter which partisan avenue you reside on. We are all guilty to some degree.
The internet, news, and social media have seemed to change users’ psychology. The distinction and ability to disseminate information has become a muddied pool. Many pulled into a pattern of interaction. Many unable or unwilling to find information outside the personal box of beliefs. Instead, the information has become targeted to fit the box. Items that don’t fit the…